Centec Security specialises in providing the latest in innovative security solutions. From CCTV to Alarm Monitoring, let us help you keep your premises safe.
Security Services
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is a reliable and trusted tool. We offer single and multi-camera systems.
Access Control
Limit or restrict access to designated secure areas. Centec utilises proximity cards, smart cards
and biometrics.
Intruder Detection
Utilise constant monitoring in your business to prevent theft and damage. Centec utilises a range of brands and technologies.
Footage Analysis
Specially trained personnel review, retrieve and audit any footage from your security systems for internal and external investigations.
About Centec
Centec Security Group is an electronic security organisation established in 2003. 100% Australian owned and operated, we help keep Australian businesses secure. Centec specialises in providing exceptional security solutions to the corporate and commercial market.